[Leadership laws] The innovation law of Schrödinger's Cat
Innovation leaders must simultaneously get teams to celebrate progress made ... and to face that their results are not good enough yet....
Innovation leaders must simultaneously get teams to celebrate progress made ... and to face that their results are not good enough yet....
You need to accept projects in whatever shape they happen to be when you meet them. Don't put up your nose at unusual or messy starting points....
Don't be like the underpants gnomes. Figure out how you'll earn money alongside everything else....
Creating something that's "desirable, viable, and feasible" (let alone also "acceptable") is harder than pundits glibly promise....
Innovation work in startups and existing org's requires understanding and balancing work "on" and "in" your business....
2017's research paper "Attention Is All You Need" ushered in the AI craze. Its "making of" story also has a lot to teach corporate innovators....
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