[Books] Words to Value (03/23)

A newsletter highlighting 9 upcoming and newly published books for innovators

[Books] Words to Value (03/23)


This time, I highlight 9 books:

For innovation leaders and champions

  • Geertsma, Paul. Machine Learning for Managers.
  • Rehn, Alf et al. (editors). Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept.
  • Schmidpeter, RenĂ© et al (editors). Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for Sustainable Management.

Re. Strategy & Business Design

  • Datta, Surja et al. Strategic Optionality: Pathways through Uncertainty.
  • Olsen, Erica. Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies.

Re. Design

  • Lee, Terence. Creativity and Innovation: Everyday Dynamics and Practice.

Re. Facilitation

  • Nechkoska, Petrevska. Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to Co-dreaming, from Evolution to Co-evolution.

Re. Legal

  • Bader, Martin et al (editors). Intellectual Property Management for Start-ups: Enhancing Value and Leveraging the Potential.

Re. general innovation

  • Davey, Brian. The idea is the easy part: Myths and realities of the startup world.