[Tool] How the Knowledge Funnel saves you from overthinking and squirreling

The “Knowledge Funnel” framework (Mystery — Heuristic — Algorithm) by Roger Martin helps you orient to the kind of certainty worth seeking.

[Tool] How the Knowledge Funnel saves you from overthinking and squirreling
Keep track of how certain you are and stay humble about what must come next | Photo by Sergio Mena Ferreira / Unsplash


It takes tremendous speed to create a working business from nothing before you run out of runway. But wasting time on heedless action is also silly.

So innovators have to de-risk assumptions as much as they can afford … but no more than that.

The “Knowledge Funnel” framework (Mystery — Heuristic — Algorithm) by Roger Martin helps you orient to the kind of certainty worth seeking.

Just find your spot in the Knowledge Funnel. Then aim for the related level of precision.