[Quote] Persistence, blind faith, stubbornness, obliviousness to reality
We may pivot on the method for achieving our purpose. But the purpose itself must stay steady....
We may pivot on the method for achieving our purpose. But the purpose itself must stay steady....
Nesta's nicely readable history of the energy industry in Britain holds important lessons for credible innovation governance....
You probably spend too little time ensuring that you work on the right problem and understand it fully. The “Problem Canvas” can help....
Innovation work is not about any one function or person, not even about leaders or stakeholders. It can only succeed with a true team and real, productive togetherness....
A major reason for innovation efforts' failure is that they never were "must-dos" to begin with. They didn't warrant putting up with all the problems that inevitably pop up. Here's a way to do better!...
Use "good fears" as a tool. They can help you push your team to more impactful work and serve as gut-level operational metrics to help you stay on track....
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