[Case study] China's EV dominance shows how hard it is to fight innovation patterns
The triumphs and struggles of EV adoption shine a light on the interplay of the "Three Deaths," the "Adoption Curve," and "Disruption."...
The triumphs and struggles of EV adoption shine a light on the interplay of the "Three Deaths," the "Adoption Curve," and "Disruption."...
"Must-do purposes" help innovators overcome not just rational resistance but the Goodwin Curve too....
Above almost all else, innovation leaders must find a meaningful, stable "must-do purpose" for their work....
Reject naïveté. Innovation work–both in business or beyond–takes tremendous effort even for achieving moderate results...
A glimpse into the current WIP state of my journey to build a practical toolkit for better active innovation governance...
I'm on a journey to build a practical toolkit for better active innovation governance. Join in!...
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