[Leadership laws] The innovation law of the underpants gnomes
Don't be like the underpants gnomes. Figure out how you'll earn money alongside everything else....
Guiding rules and (over time) more sophisticated ways to lead innovation teams and manage portfolios
Don't be like the underpants gnomes. Figure out how you'll earn money alongside everything else....
You can't have it all, at once, right now, ... much as you may want that....
Innovative products/ services must start to add value to your org soon (~6 – 18 months)....
You are only done scoping work when everyone involved downstream could – barely – understand what you are talking about....
Steps and tips for picking (or creating from scratch) a maturity model to assess your innovation work...
You don't get to choose how deep the "ocean" of your learning is. You must make it both all the way down to the facts and all the way up to decisions....
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