[Quote] I have tried to manifest that magical environment
Leaders can't force alignment. Just as "management" isn't "leadership," so "governance" is not "shared mission."...
How the method shows up in the real world, e.g., in case studies
Leaders can't force alignment. Just as "management" isn't "leadership," so "governance" is not "shared mission."...
Rocket science is not enough. This company's work shows business viability too....
2017's research paper "Attention Is All You Need" ushered in the AI craze. Its "making of" story also has a lot to teach corporate innovators....
Equally value all work that makes a venture viable, not just "cool" stuff. You need it all to succeed....
Want to predict the success or failure of your work? Look to people's true incentives!...
Success takes the discipline of choosing quality before quantity and self-reflection on how we can succeed in the real world....
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