[Leadership laws] The innovation law of the Babel fish
You are only done scoping work when everyone involved downstream could – barely – understand what you are talking about....
Practical frameworks, templates, and how-to guides
You are only done scoping work when everyone involved downstream could – barely – understand what you are talking about....
Steps and tips for picking (or creating from scratch) a maturity model to assess your innovation work...
You don't get to choose how deep the "ocean" of your learning is. You must make it both all the way down to the facts and all the way up to decisions....
Create gap-free arguments. Move logically "rung by rung." Don’t skip steps!...
Innovators' mantra of "DVF" is not enough. You also need "A" (Agreeability or Acceptability), making "DVFA" (aka diva)....
The “Knowledge Funnel” framework (Mystery — Heuristic — Algorithm) by Roger Martin helps you orient to the kind of certainty worth seeking....
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