[Quote] It is not the critic who counts Why are you or your friends battling to bring passion projects to life? Because they must. It can be brutal. But remember it's worth it. And support those who take up that fight!
[Quote] I have tried to manifest that magical environment Leaders can't force alignment. Just as "management" isn't "leadership," so "governance" is not "shared mission."
[Quote] People only act Want to predict the success or failure of your work? Look to people's true incentives!
[Quote] The whole secret of life Great innovation agendas center on a fixed purpose, activated by a portfolio of efforts and fueled by exploring many related topics.
[Quote] I wish I were a better man Settling on the vision or purpose for innovation work is deceptively treacherous. Here is why.
[Quote] Power without purpose Above almost all else, innovation leaders must find a meaningful, stable "must-do purpose" for their work.