[Case study] Being green while earning money in industry Credible innovation is not meant to glamorous. It's meant to work, like here.
[Blog] System-reinforcing vs. system-evolving innovation When your innovation work must focus on the here and now, focus on System Reinforcement and/ or System Evolution, instead of System Reinvention
[Blog] Credibility is ... validated trust A flexible way to define credibility is as a ratio of the trust you have earned vs. that that a current situation demands.
[Blog] Don't count on coordination to replace shared experience Communication and coordination alone are not remotely good enough for building trust, which matters when you change orgs.
[Blog] A new "must-do purpose" — The solemn vow The "Solemn vow" (per new work by Roger Martin) adds another must-do purpose and unlocks logic for choosing among all four.
[Rant] DVF has become a self-defeating joke Creating something that's "desirable, viable, and feasible" (let alone also "acceptable") is harder than pundits glibly promise.
[Case study] Why innovators must excel at everything Equally value all work that makes a venture viable, not just "cool" stuff. You need it all to succeed.