The nature and point of my research

By "research," I mean serious investigations that take real time and solid primary and secondary research, in the service of finding answers to big issues that regularly bedevil actual innovation practice.

In other words, the topics that show up below are those that keep causing problems over and over--across industries, teams, and project types. They deserve better solutions than we currently have via our "best practice" toolkits.

If the purpose of this research is to improve real-world practice on actual innovation teams, then I explicitly do not aspire to "academic-level" rigor.

Instead, rigor must be a balance here: I am looking for answers that are solid enough to look teams in the eye and advocate for the approach ... but that are not so narrow, arcane, or difficult that we will all be retired by the time we have proven them beyond all reasonable doubt.

Do these topics interest you enough to pitch in on the research?

Fantastic, let's talk!

The actual research agenda

Abbreviated, visual version of the research agenda described below (vAug.10.2024)


To help corporate innovation mature into a craft respected by all

Overall driving question to answer

How might innovation leaders earn secure, valued roles and impact for their teams in their organization?

Goal metrics

  • Excellence: World-class work, super-charged compared to its baseline
  • Realism: Ability to succeed in the real world
  • Leadership: Context-appropriate innovation team leadership

"Excellence" research track

Innovation of innovation: What is the cutting edge of our field?

Research topic spaces:

  • Publications
  • Insight applications
  • Meta-research and recommendations

Current efforts:

  • Book publication tracker
  • Academic research tracker
  • Innovation app/ tool tracker & reviews
  • Thought leader tracker

"Pragmatism" research track

Credible innovation*: Why do good innovation teams fail?

Research topic spaces:

  • Success/ failure factors
  • Under-solved craft problems
  • Next corporate innovation operating model

Current efforts:

  • Credible Innovation book, blog & newsletters
  • Custom tools
  • “vNext” biz. building motion
  • “Unsolved Q” collection

"Leadership" research track

How might we set up innovation leaders–especially new ones–for success?

Research topic spaces:

  • Ramp-up speed for leading innovation work
  • Leader-specific tools that work
  • Make-or-break leadership topics

Current efforts:

  • Robust governance method
  • Milestone/ progress toolkit
  • Portfolio/ agenda toolkit
  • Innovation leadership “laws”
  • Innovation intro context ideas



* Of course "Credible Innovation" had to show up. This entire site is part of documenting and sharing the research agenda and its finding. Much more to come on that front!


Photo "snow covered mountain under blue sky" by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash