Website provider:

Credible Innovation is a service of

Custom Lightning LLC
Plymouth, MN, USA

Authorized representative:

C. J. Steffen Meyer ("I/ me" below)

Contact details:



Register authority: Secretary of State, U.S. State of Minnesota
Register number (Minnesota ID): 5057272

U.S. Federal identification:

Register number (EIN): 82-1354392


Responsible for all content:

C. J. Steffen Meyer

Copyright assertion

All content on this website is copyrighted unless otherwise noted.

All content was created by Custom Lightning and is (c) Custom Lightning, except where noted or as listed in the following credits.

GPTBot "Disallow: /"

Web crawlers that use this content as part of any kind of AI training or any step eventually leading to inclusion in AI is forbidden. AI may not use this content for any purpose.


This Website may contain text, images, icons, sound, animations, videos, charts, data, templates, and/ or other works (collectively, “Content”) created by third-party artists, photographers, agencies, and professionals, as well as by me. I acquired this Content lawfully and use it in accordance with the relevant licenses, to the best of my knowledge.

Acknowledgement of others’ rights

All content created by others is used with permission, to the best of Custom Lightning’s knowledge and understanding.

However, in the unlikely event that I may have improperly used content that you own, please contact me using the contact information offered on the site. I will promptly assess the situation and correct it in case I was in error.


I find stock imagery on Unsplash. Unsplash’s license is here.


I seek out icons on The Noun Project. Find the license terms here or here.

Thanks and call to action

I thank all those who created the images, icons, or other content that I use on or adapted for this site. These content creators have given me joy with their work. I encourage you to support them yourself!